Caution! You are investing outside of AFM supervision. No licensing requirement for this activity.
TopParken Verkoop
Authority Financial Market

Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM)

Like many other providers of recreational real estate, TopParken is obligated to place a statement saying 'You are investing outside AFM supervision'. In the Netherlands, there is a legal requirement to have an AFM license when offering investments. However, an AFM license is not required when an exemption is applicable. This exemption applies, for example, to investment objects of more than € 100,000.

Why a banner?

The holiday homes TopParken offers as investment object always fall outside the scope of the license requirement because these cost more than € 100,000 kosten. In this case, we are legally obligated to display the AFM statement in our advertisements.

When the exemption statement is not (properly) included and mention is made of investment object, the offer is illegal. 

You can find more information about AFM and the exemption statement here.

What is AFM

AFM stands for: Autoriteit Financiële Markten (Authority Financial Markets). The AFM supervises the financial market, which includes saving, investing and lending. The AFM monitors there is confidence in the financial markets and that the market functions transparantly and honestly.

AFM Banner